muhammad rsol

Saturday, April 17, 2010

taaaaaaba Car Buying Tips

taaaaaaba Car Buying Tips

4) Who should I consult before shopping?

Just about everyone knows someone who knows something about cars. Whether they are or have been in the car business or if they have a lot of experience buying, they are assets. If you are not one of those people, there is no shame in asking advice or looking for recommendations on dealers, makes, models, or any other aspect.

There is also no shame in taking a ?third base coach? with you. If Uncle Rick used to sell cars, he has an insight into the business and can help you sniff out tricks or
scams at the dealership. Ask him to come along.

5) What options are ?must-have? and what options are just nice?

This is something that seems pretty simple, but often people will fall in love with a car, then discover later that it didn?t have the side-curtain airbags that you swore 3 months ago you wanted to get. Make a list of what you need and what you want and bring it with you.

6) How long will I keep this vehicle?

If you are one of the millions who trades cars out every 2-3 years, you will need to do some research regarding depreciation. You will want to seriously consider whether it is better to get a new one or a low mile used one.

Those who keep their cars for 5 or more years need to worry less about depreciation and more about longevity and maintenance costs, thus their research will be completely different.

Also, length of ownership will help you decide whether to take the low interest rate or the cash back incentive when considering new cars. That zero percent financing is very tempting, but if you?ll be trading in 2 years, you probably won?t save as much money as you would if you take the cash rebate instead.

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