muhammad rsol

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Repowering utility carts makes Green Sense, But does it make financial sense?

Golfers at the Hindman Park Golf Course in Little Rock, Arkansa have something to brag about? they have the greenest greens in the state.
Not the color green? green as in environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly golf courses came to national attention about ten years ago, when the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA), the United States Golf Association (USGA), Audubon International and the National Wildlife Federation came together and created a set of guidelines for developing greener golf courses.

Golfers at the Hindman Park Golf Course in Little Rock, Arkansa have something to brag about? they have the greenest greens in the state. Not the color green? green as in environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly golf courses came to national attention about ten years ago, when the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA), the United States Golf Association (USGA), Audubon International and the National Wildlife Federation came together and created a set of guidelines for developing greener golf courses.

According to the Audubon Society, golf courses are a natural place (no pun intended) to turn for wildlife shelters and habitats. The guidelines, published in 1997, offer tips and suggestions for golf course owners and municipalities that keep the greens even greener environmentally. Hindman Park? S Supervisor took their suggestions to heart. He and his crew have put up over 40 nesting boxes around the course, and planted 100 fruit trees to encourage and attract wildlife. The intent is to add another 100 trees each of the next four years? all of which will grow without the aid of pesticides or fertilizers.

The relationship between golf courses and environmentalists is a new one? but it shouldn? t be a surprising one. After all, part of the pleasure of golfing is in being a part of the natural outdoor world. Preserving that world so that golfers can continue to enjoy it should be part of taking care of the golf course.

Across the country, municipal and private golf courses are taking their stewardship of the land seriously by instilling new methods of irrigation and greens keeping.

While most of the attention focused on the golf course design environmentally friendly, and the decisions that service are reasons why every day can also affect how the green and the golf course is? And not by picking up a new fertilizer. The foundations of the engines that power conservation and grooming equipment is one of the objectives that concern the environment.

Emissions of nitrogen oxides from diesel and gas powered equipment? Equipment for the elderly? Are often much higher than the levels of new emission. Replacement of old motors on devices such as lawnmowers, groomers, sand, facilities and vehicles, tractors, can go a long way towards reducing the toxic fumes that tend to atmospheric pollution.

New equipment must meet the new EPA standards for emissions control? but the price is often out of reach, especially for a small private course or a municipal course struggling to stay within the Parks & Rec budget. The solution is easy? don? t replace. Repower the equipment with new, cleaner engines. For the cost of a new Toro '> "> Toro Sand Pro, you can repower your old Toro Sand Pro with a new Kohler Engine, and have enough left to repower four Toro Greensmaster lawnmowers. If you choose to repower a Rake-o-Vac instead of replacing it with a new one for $ 31,000, you can practically repower your entire fleet!

Choosing to repower doesn? T only make financial sense. It makes green sense. By replacing old engines with new kohler repower engines, you reduce the NOx emissions of your fleet by as much as 70%. In addition, since you? Re not scrapping your old machine, it won? T be sitting in a landfill challenging the Earth to break it down and deal with it.

Green is a label that golf courses have always worn with pride, and now it? S more of a badge than ever before. Make your golf course a greener place to be? choose to repower your old machines with more efficient, more powerful and more environmentally friendly Kohler engines.

Why you should always use the correct motor oil in your car

Why you should always use the correct motor oil in your car

Motor oil, coolant, clutch, transmission, power steering, and brake fluids are all vital parts of all cars. They need to be regularly checked, topped up or changed whenever required to ensure that the vehicle operates properly. The car owner?s manual will show what the manufacturer believes to be the best regular maintenance schedule for the particular model. Making sure that the advised service intervals are maintained may sometimes seem like an unnecessary expense, but it will help protect the car, preserve efficiency, increase the vehicles lifespan and reduce the risk of future unexpected bills.

Taking the correct care of a vehicle will not only help to ensure that it will run correctly and efficiently, but will also help to make sure that it is running safely. It is also important to note that many vehicles? warranties will become invalid if the manufacturer?s service requirements are not scrupulously followed

The engine oil that is made for use in cars ensures that all the moving parts of an engine are properly lubricated and protects them against the wear and tear caused by the friction of everyday operation. Additives which are put into the base oil also provide additional engine protection, helping to prevent the car engine oil from deteriorating under the engine?s extreme operating temperature conditions.

Like all fluids, motor oil will thin out when it is subjected to increased temperatures, and thicken when cooled. In order for the motor oil to properly protect the engine, the oil must be able to remain at the correct viscosity level at all engine operating temperatures. If the viscosity becomes too thin then the oil will lose the strength to protect the engine, if it is too thick then the oil may not pump to the proper parts of the engine, and damage may be caused as the engine revs.

Multigrade car engine oils use a base oil (usually 5W, 10W or 20W) which maintains the correct viscosity at low temperatures, along with polymers which keep viscosity levels acceptable at higher temperatures. These levels are indicated by SAE grades. When choosing appropriate engine oil, refer to the manufacturer guides and always use a multi grade that has the narrowest span of viscosity possible which is appropriate for the temperatures the vehicle will encounter. This is because the wider viscosity range oils can be slightly more prone towards breaking down due to the high polymer content.

As well as checking every couple of weeks that the engine has the appropriate levels of the correct type of motor oil, it is also important to frequently check the transmission and power steering fluid dipsticks to preserve the proper working fluid levels, and make certain the brake fluid and coolant are filled to the top. If a car is leaking fluids, it can mean serious trouble. Keep an eye on the condition of any parking spaces which are regularly used, looking for stains or spots that can warn of possible leaks.

For legal, mechanical and safety reasons always use the correct fluids and never cut corners. Do not follow the lead of David Wyn Williams from Wales who the BBC reported was recently arrested for using cooking oil instead of brake fluid.

The prosecutor, Sarah Lambert, said that although the brake fluid reservoir was full, the liquid inside was a strange colour and had congealed into ?a globular, jelly-like substance.? Miss Lambert went on to say that Mr Williams had pumped the foot brake 10 times but with, ?no effect whatsoever?. He had relied on the handbrake and the gears to slow the car instead.

The judge ordered the ?death-trap? car to be confiscated, saying, ?You are very lucky not to be here on a far more serious charge. You posed a very serious risk to yourself, your passengers and to other road users.?

The defence lawyer in the case said that his client would be getting the bus in future.

Help! My Cold Engine Won't Start

Help! My Cold Engine Won't Start

It is a cold Melbourne morning. Your feet are freezing, your scarf is so tight you feel as though you are strangling yourself and your fingers will not work because they are blue and cold. You slide into the front seat behind the wheel and turn the key. Nothing happens. Well it is winter! Now what do you do? Call the car repair shop? Buy a new, better car? Or you can do few simple things to prevent this happening.

Starting a car with a cold engine is easier said than done, and there are times it can be a real frustration particularly if you live in the hills or areas that get exceptionally cold. Getting late for work, missing deadlines, not being able to drive the kids to school: these are just some of the things that happen when your car refuses to start due to cold engine. How to avoid this from happening?

Cold weather will come; that's for sure and inevitable. The trick is to not let cold engines stop you from driving your car without hassles.

Firstly, because cold weather affects liquid evaporation. When it is cold, petrol evaporates less, making it more difficult to burn. By the time petrol burns sufficiently, it is already too burnt for the car to use properly.

Secondly, a cold engine might have problems in starting because oil happens to get thicker in cold weather. Oil, just like any liquid, changes consistency when exposed to very low temperatures. The oil then may not properly circulate in the car engine.

But oil is not the only problem, as car batteries are affected too by cold weather. Since batteries function through chemical reactions, cold weather can severely hamper those necessary chemical reactions, making it hard for you to start your car. You end up starting the engine futilely as the batteries struggle to spark a chemical reaction.

When these three difficulties occur at once, then it becomes clear that you really won't be able to start your car anymore. What to do then?

Spray ether into the engine to help evaporate the petrol quickly and help your engine to start. Opt for thin synthetic oil which has better resistance from coagulating in the cold. Also, park your vehicle inside a garage where it's warm and sheltered. Leaving it out in the cold is a sure-fire way to deaden your engine. Never miss a family or business apointment again!

Then again, if you really hate your car and it seems to be causing you more headaches than you need, why not search Search through thousands of cars for sale and post an ad for your car on the market with the private listings service. To list your vehicle quickly and easily, register as an individual - it's free to join.