muhammad rsol

Friday, April 9, 2010

Taaaaaaba ...... Auto mechanics .......

The second message:: How can increase the capacity of the engine??

And can increase the capacity of the engine by: -

Increase engine torque or

- Reduce the loss in capacity due to friction inside the engine, or the result of running the engine accessories.

**** The question is how to increase engine torque::

Ways to increase engine torque: Torque is multiplied by the force in the arm, the more Madt force transferred from the piston to the connecting rods as ذاد determined, and the more farmers ذاد force (the length of the annex to the crankshaft crank shaft throw), and could be further determined as follows:

1 - increase the amount of cargo entering the engine. (Cylinders × volumetric efficiency)

2 - Increasing the thermal efficiency (combustion efficiency) of the shipment and take advantage of some of the energy lost with the exhaust gases.

3 - increase the length of the annex to the crankshaft.

4 - Reduce the loss of energy lost in friction, as well as the energy expended to run the engine accessories internal and external (mechanical efficiency).

Volumetric efficiency determine the amount of cargo entering inside the cylinder (engine). The thermal efficiency, it determines the amount of thermal energy that can be drawn from the existing energy of fuel into the engine shipment.

Determine the mechanical efficiency and energy value (capacity) of the remaining Kkrj of the engine, where the energy from fuel is lost as a result of friction part of the moving parts inside the engine and part of effort to run the engine accessories internal and external. ..........................

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